The Beaver Island Boat Company is hiring for the following positions. Please see Job Descriptions attached and our Application below for more information:
Customer Service Tickets and Reservations – Please no phone calls. Email, mail or drop off application. Click the following link for the full job description: Customer Service Ticketing and Reservations Job Description
Deckhand – Please no phone calls. Email, mail or drop off application. Click the following link for the full job description: Deck Hand Job Description
Dock Staff – Please no phone calls. Email, mail or drop off application. Click the following link for the full job description: Dock Staff Description
Shuttle Bus Driver: Please no phone calls. Email, mail or drop off application. Click the following link for the full job description: Shuttle Bus Driver Job Description
Employment Application
Please fill out application below. Applications must be dropped off at our Charlevoix office (103 Bridge Park Drive).
Application For Employment.pdf
Please no phone calls. Email, mail or drop off application to: info@bibco.com or 103 Bridge Park Dr. Charlevoix, MI 49720